Monday, January 16, 2017


Te-waza : hand throwing techniques[

  1. Ippon seoinage: Single-handed back throw
  2. Kata guruma : Shoulder wheel
  3. Kibisu gaeshi : One-hand reversal
  4. Morote gari : Two-hand reap
  5. Obi otoshi : Belt drop
  6. Seoi nage : Back throw
  7. Seoi otoshi : Back drop
  8. Sukui nage : Scoop throw
  9. Sumi otoshi : Corner drop
  10. Tai otoshi : Body drop
  11. Uchi mata sukashi : Inner thigh void throw
  12. Uki otoshi : Floating drop
  13. Yama arashi : Mountain storm
  14. Kouchi gaeshi: Small inner reap reversal
  15. Kuchiki taoshi : Single leg takedown

Koshi-waza : hip throwing techniques

  1. Daki age : Hugging high lift
  2. Hane goshi : Spring hip throw
  3. Harai goshi : Sweeping hip throw
  4. Koshi guruma : Hip wheel
  5. O goshi : Full hip throw
  6. Sode tsurikomi goshi : Sleeve lifting and pulling hip throw
  7. Tsuri goshi : Lifting hip throw
  8. Tsurikomi goshi : Lifting and pulling hip throw
  9. Uki goshi : Floating half-hip throw
  10. Ushiro goshi : Rear throw
  11. Utsuri goshi : Hip shift

Ashi-waza : foot throwing techniques

  1. Ashi guruma : Leg wheel
  2. De Ashi Harai : Advanced foot sweep
  3. Hane goshi gaeshi : Hip spring counter
  4. Harai goshi gaeshi : Hip sweep counter
  5. Harai tsurikomi ashi : Lift-pull foot sweep
  6. Hiza guruma : Knee wheel
  7. Kosoto gake : Small outer hook
  8. Kosoto gari : Small outer reap
  9. Kouchi gari : Small inner reap
  10. O guruma : Large wheel
  11. Okuri Ashi Harai : Sliding foot sweep
  12. Osoto gaeshi : Big outer reap counter
  13. Osoto gari : Big outer reap
  14. Osoto guruma : Big outer wheel
  15. Osoto otoshi : Big outer drop
  16. Ouchi gaeshi : Big inner reap counter
  17. Ouchi gari : Big inner reap
  18. Sasae tsurikomi ashi : Propping and drawing ankle throw
  19. Tsubame gaeshi : Swallow counter
  20. Uchi mata (: Inner-thigh
  21. Uchi mata gaeshi : Inner-thigh counter

Sutemi-waza: sacrifice techniques

  1. Hikikomi gaeshi : Pulling in reversal
  2. Sumi gaeshi : Corner reversa


1 comment:

  1. These are some of the moves which are not permitted during the fight:
    1.Intentionally injuring an opponent is not permitted.
    2.Punching, kicking, and other strikes are not allowed.
    3.Touching the opponent's face is not allowed.
    4.Attacking joints other than the elbow is not allowed.
    5.Head dives are not permitted.
    6.The technique known as kawazu gake is not permitted.
    7.The technique known as kani basami is not permitted.
    8.Wearing any hard or metallic object during competition is not permitted.

