Sunday, January 15, 2017


8 Reasons to Study and Train Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).

1) Training Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) will build confidence in you. When you know how to fight your mind is a little calmer, a little freer, and a little more relaxed. When you know how to throw a punch, break an arm, or choke someone unconscious there isn’t too much threat of physical confrontation. And if there is threat, it is easier to walk away.
2) Training MMA will teach you discipline. As with any sport, MMA requires discipline. It teaches discipline of the mind and body. Training MMA teaches the discipline of eating right, sleeping right, and training right.
3) Training MMA is an excellent physical workout. Sparring (Boxing practice during training) or grappling (wrestling or ground-fighting practice) for 3-5 minute rounds is absolutely brutal cardio, which is why fighters are usually in top notch physical condition. There is no treadmill or stair-master in the world that can beat the benefits of practice fighting.
4) Training MMA will teach you self-defense. If the need should ever arise you will be able to defend yourself against would be attackers.
5) Training MMA is a good manly hobby.
6) Training MMA fulfills mans need for physical expression aka violence
7) Training MMA teaches competition.
8) Training MMA is a huge stress reliever.

1 comment:

  1. The 4 big benefits of MMA workouts:

    1. You will get more stamina & confidence while learning some self-defence skills.
    2. You will improve focus, coordination, strength, cardiovascular health and endurance.
    3. You will learn some skills that can lead you to a career.
    4. Release stress big time.

