Monday, January 16, 2017



1. Self-Defense:    The first reason why most people practice martial art is not only self defence,but also the way to think about defending ourself. They also help you build up the reflexes and the confidence to fight back.

2. Belts and Ranking:    Belts are a great way to help children track their progress and motivate them to strive higher. Belts and ranking may help build the child confidence and their desire to succeed. For this purpose, most Martial Arts styles use a system of Colored belts to indicate the knowledge and skill levels of their practitioners. 

3. Self-Confidence:    As children become more skillful in their selected style of martial arts, their confidence gets increased significantly. They become more self-assured and confident.

 4. Exercise:    The classical JUDO class will often be comprised of warm-up calisthenics, teaching and practicing of moves and possibly some sparring. The warm up and practice include the bulk of the time, and for that time your child will be constantly on the go – stretching, crunches, punches and kicks. The workout each child gets will not only assist in the natural development of his/her muscles, but also help them build stronger Cardio-Vascular systems. 

5. Emphasis on Individual Achievement:    In JUDO, each child’s success is based on his or her own individual qualities. The kid may not be the most winning Judoka in his Judo class, but that will be because he tried and lost, and not because he wasn’t good enough to make it off. Knowing that their own ambition and hard work will drive them to succeed.

6. Discipline:    The core of JUDO is ‘practice makes perfect’ There is constant repetition in drills and practices with emphasis on details and rhythm. Kicking, punching and throwing are practiced and repeated over and over. Those practices teach them the benefits of frequent practice, and the patience .

7. Judo isn’t about brute force, it is about control:    Judo teachers emphasize the concept of maximum efficiency. This is evident, as the root of many Judo techniques is not necessarily brute force, but using your opponents’ movements and strength against him or her. While physical strength and size are important, mental strength is probably the most critical factor in competition.

8. Gender Equity:    Most of parents consider martial arts for their sons, not nearly as many would consider it for their daughters. However the martial arts are one of the few sports where both boys and girls can play together. There are also tremendous international opportunities in Women’s martial arts as well. Your daughter’s red belt will not be any easier for her to attain than your son’s red belt will be for him. 

9. Respect for Strength:    The first thing parents think about when they send their kids to martial arts class is: “Is my child going to use this to hurt others?”As children learn the ropes, they will learn to respect their newfound strength and techniques. They will also quite bullying as well.

10. Competition:    Similarly to team sports, Judo is all about competition. The latter is great for kids to test their skills and show their progress. Unlike team sports, the loser can’t really blame anyone beyond his or herself. But then this gives them a sense of respect for their opponent, as well as motivation to do better the next time. Each Judo tournament is a fresh start, and it is seldom that you get only one match even in the Olympics . 


1 comment:

  1. Yes. It is necessary for all the children to learn all the martial arts in life. It improves the quality of the children.
    Learning these kind of arts helps children to grow up in a well-defined standard. It helps to improve their life in a better way. Not only JUDO it is necessary to learn all the martial arts for children.

