Monday, January 16, 2017


here are literally hundreds of wrestling styles practiced worldwide, with rules and match procedures varying greatly from one to another. Among these forms, folkstyle, freestyle, and Greco-Roman have emerged as the ones that are most regularly practiced. While freestyle and Greco-Roman are popular on the international level.


Freestyle-Match Procedure

Each freestyle match is composed of three two-minute periods. At the beginning of these periods the action starts with the wrestlers on their feet in neutral position. Wrestling must take place in the center of the mat, and every time the action moves out of bounds the clock is stopped.
There is a referee, a judge, and a mat chairman who work together in order to score each freestyle bout. Both the referee and judge must evaluate every attempted technique and agree on a final decision for every point scored. In cases where the referee and judge disagree, the mat chairman’s opinion is used as the final decision.
 Weight Classes
There are different weights for every age group. However, the following weight categories are contested internationally:
Senior Men (In kilograms) 50-55 kg 60 kg 66 kg 74 kg 96 kg 96-120 kg
Senior Women 44-48 kg 51 kg 55 kg 59 kg 63 kg 67 kg 67-72 kg

Greco-Roman-Match Procedure
Greco matches are composed of three two-minute periods. At the beginning of each period the action starts neutral, with both competitors on their feet. Wrestling must take place in the center of the mat, and every time the action moves out of bounds the clock is stopped. Each period is wrestled until there is 30 seconds left. At that point the action is stopped. The final 30 seconds of the two-minute period is contested with the wrestlers in the par terre position (see description below).

There is a referee, a judge, and a mat chairman that work together in order to score each Greco bout. Both the referee and judge must evaluate every technique or hold and agree on a final decision for every point scored. In cases where the referee and judge disagree, the mat chairman’s opinion is used as the final decision.
Weight Classes
There are different weights for every age group. However, the following weight categories are contested internationally: 
Senior Men (In kilograms) 50-55 kg 60 kg 66 kg 74 kg 96 kg 96-120 kg

Folkstyle-Match Procedure

A folkstyle match is composed of three periods: The periods in high school wrestling have a duration of two minutes, while college matches have a first period of three minutes, with the two remaining periods at two minutes each. 

The first period always starts with both wrestlers standing, in the neutral position. At the beginning of the second period, a coin is flipped and one wrestler is allowed to choose the starting position for that period. The options are neutral, top or bottom. In a show of strategy, the wrestler with choice in the second period can elect to defer his choice to his opponent, in order to get choice at the beginning of the third period.


Collegiate Weights 125 lbs. 133 lbs. 141 lbs. 149 lbs. 157 lbs. 165 lbs. 174 lbs. 184 lbs. 197 lbs. Heavyweight (183-285 lbs.)

Scholastic Weights 106 lbs. 113 lbs. 120 lbs. 126 lbs. 132 lbs. 138 lbs. 145 lbs. 152 lbs. 160 lbs. 170 lbs. 182 lbs. 195 lbs. 220 lbs. 285 lbs.


1 comment:

  1. These are the Top 13 Moves WWE Banned for Being Way Too Dangerous:
    1.Curb Stomp.
    2. Burning Hammer.
    3. The Pedigree.
    4. Shooting Star Press.
    5.Randy Orton’s Punt.
    6. Brainbuster.
    7. Vertebreaker.
    8. Canadian Destroyer.
    9. The Piledriver.
    10.Chair Shots To The Head.
    11. Orton’s Punt.
    12. Double Underhook Powerbomb/Tiger Driver.
    13. Wings of Love.

