Monday, January 16, 2017


Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Children. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an art developed by age old monks. It focuses on self defense and building a martial art that aims at enhancing psychosomatic harmony of the practitioner.
Many children face the problem of being bullied and are vulnerable to various anti-social elements. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can help a child tackle this problem. It equips the child to protect himself. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu aims at fighting with a stronger and larger opponent using grappling and ground-fighting techniques. It uses techniques like joint locks, compression locks and chokeholds to make the opponent give in. This can also develop a child’s confidence and increase his self-wor
Nivetha .v


  1. To answer “when should a child start practicing Brazilian jiu jitsu/martial arts” and “when is it OK for a kid to start competing in jiu jitsu.?” (between the ages of 3 and 17 ).

    An activity of this kind can promote the child’s development, not only physically but also the socially and emotionally. The control and management of aggressiveness are important assets in children with symptoms of depression and behavioral disturbances, and participating in jiu jitsu classes in a balanced manner can help him/her cope and accept these more delicate emotions.


  2. Jiu-Jitsu Teaches Children Great Habits. Karate for Kids is Great, But Jiu-Jitsu is a Lifestyle. A Jiu-Jitsu School is the Best Place to Make New Friends.Research also suggests that physically active children grow up to be less prone to stress and have a higher than most emotional quotient.

    It is necessary for each and every child to learn something or the other extra other than their academics. that is the only way for a child to develop their character,personality,etc.,


  3. Jiu-Jitsu Teaches Children Great Habits. Karate for Kids is Great, But Jiu-Jitsu is a Lifestyle. A Jiu-Jitsu School is the Best Place to Make New Friends.Research also suggests that physically active children grow up to be less prone to stress and have a higher than most emotional quotient.

    It is necessary for each and every child to learn something or the other extra other than their academics. that is the only way for a child to develop their character,personality,etc.,

