Sunday, January 22, 2017

Father of Marital arts

Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th/6th century and is traditionally credited as the leading patriarch and transmitter of to China. He was the third son of a Tamil king of the Pallava Dynasty. According to Chinese legend, he also began the physical training of the Shaolin monks that led to the creation of Shaolinquan(collection of Chinese martial arts).

Some argued that the Pallava dynasty was a Tamilian dynasty and proposed that Bodhidharma was born a prince of the Pallava dynasty in their capital of Kanchipuram. Scholars have concluded his place of birth to be Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, India. 

After becoming a Buddhist monk, Bodhidharma traveled to China. The accounts differ on the date of his arrival, with one early account claiming that he arrived during the Liú Sòng Dynasty (420–479) and later accounts dating his arrival to the Liáng Dynasty (502–557). Bodhidharma was primarily active in the lands of the Northern Wèi Dynasty (386–534). Modern scholarship dates him to about the early 5th century. By Sangeetha.S


  1. There are two known extant accounts written by contemporaries of Bodhidharma. According to these sources, Bodhidharma came from the Western regions,[and was either a "Persian Central Asian"or a "South Indian the third son of a great Indian king. Later sources draw on these two sources, adding additional details, including a change to being descendent from a Brahmin king,which accords with the reign of the Pallavas, who were Brahmins.


  2. Popular traditions of bodhidharma:
    Several contemporary popular traditions also exist regarding Bodhidharma's origins. An Indian tradition regards Bodhidharma to be the third son of a Pallava king from Kanchipuram. This is consistent with the Southeast Asian traditions which also describe Bodhidharma as a former South Indian Tamil prince who had awakened his kundalini and renounced royal life to become a monk. The Tibetan version similarly characterises him as a dark-skinned siddha from South India.Conversely, the Japanese tradition generally regards Bodhidharma as Persian.

