Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a full-contact combat sport that allows both striking and grappling, both standing and on the ground, using techniques from other combat sports and martial arts. The first documented use of the term mixed martial arts was in a review of UFC .
During the early 20th century, various mixed-style contests took place throughout Japan and the Pacific Rim. In 1980 CV Productions, Inc., created the first regulated MMA league in the United States, named Tough Guy Contest, later renamed Battle of the Superfighters. The company sanctioned ten tournaments in Pennsylvania. However, in 1983 the Pennsylvania State Senate passed a bill prohibiting the sport.[4][5]


  1. Only some martial arts are active now a days like karate,boxing...why not all ?

    1. MMA doesn't train a person for self defence scenarios. It does not stress detection rather but it is used in real life activities.It just teaches you to close the gap,engage and donate your opponent. It doesn't train situation awareness r multiple attackers. That is the reason mma r nt tat much active now a days Mma doesn't train a person for self defence scenarios. It does not stress detection rather bt it s used in real life activities. Mma juz teaches you to close d gap,engage and dominate your opponent.

    2. Your wrong my sister...
      Mma is combination of all.
      When u want to protect u from multiple attacks u can...
      When ur speed in ur techniques...
      When two are three persons attack u..
      I can head kick to face and one u can hit with elbow if he catch u...or u can even slam a person...
      There are self defence mma like.
      U cn press a person eyes with thum finger...of both hands..
      Because eyes is sensitive and easy to cause more damage...
      And u cn hit a person on his main with knee or so..... There are much.
      When u hit an mma centre u ll know all...
      Dont judge a mma sport by watchmh the fight n cage ...
      Fight there are rules and both are tough fighters.
      But outside who u face... He wont be fighter or So.
      Act smart
      Speed n techniques and u cn face easily multiple attacks

    3. Martial arts active in India such as submission wrestling 'submission grapling ' brazillian jiu jitsu ' muay Thai and so... But all people dont know all this and where they teach all this. That's why more dont know about this

  2. Mma is a combat sport..
    Mma teaches you how to survive and protect you from standup striking and also in ground techniques.
    Standup striking are
    Boxing ' kick boxing 'muay Thai boxing
    Ground techniques are wrestling 'judo and Brazilian jiu jitsu

    Boxing is just punches hook and uppercut
    Kick boxing you used kicks along with punches
    Muay Thai boxing is you use all 8 pillars or body
    Such as
    Punches ' kicks 'knees drive and elbow strike and head clinch and so

    Ground techniques
    Judo useful for to throw a person down so he get hit hard n ground damages n head and back bones
    Wrestling useful for to takedown a person to ground and lock him

    Jiu jitsu is born place of Brazil
    And father of this martial art is Gracie.
    He is a man who dont have muscle and strength
    But he proved whole word size does not matter and techniques matters
    Jiu jitsu is submission and locks
    All u need is perfect n techniques
    U dont need to be strong or muscular.
    When ur techniques is perfect u can face a opponent who is 3 times bigger than u.
    Mostly jiu jitsu needed for women's to protect themself ...

    This mma sport is been popular and also its a sports to prove a person I am greater than you or her
    This is popular sport n Canada and USA for past 20 years
    In Canada
    Each Sundays they make cage m streets and fight to prove their street is great.
    There are 4 streets like king'queen'blak jack and so
    Each streets will be like a 3 states combined that much big.
    From each street each challenge and fight ..when win they prove their street is great.

    A stand up
    Muay Thai
    A ground game
    Jiu jitsu
    = mma
    When u know to fight in standup and ground
    Ur known as mma fighter

    India this sport now only getting popular because of movies like
    Brothers ' sultan ' bagi and do lavzo ki kahani..
    This sport has great future in India....soon
    Its expensive here to learn because in a state there only 1 or 2 mma academies ..
    But soon all get change...
    All I cn say is. Its a wounderful sports and every women's and kids should must learn it...
    - rubika iyer .B
